Fun fact: I have never used Notion as a creation tool before; I’ve mainly used it for workshops.

Don’t worry, I’ve suffered so you don’t have to, and I’ve made this thing as easy to navigate as physically possible.

(As an aside, to the people who use screen readers, you might have a tricky time here! It likes to repeat phrases twice and recognise coloured text as separate sentences, at least on iOS. I’m really sorry, blame Notion for that one 😞)

First up we got Categories 🏷️

Attributes of a trinket that have been attached so you can sort through them for what you want, easy peasy. I’ve added a lot— and I mean a lot— of tags so you can get as specific as you like!


  1. Click the little filter icon with three horizontal lines in the top right corner.
  2. Click the category tab.
  3. Pick some categories! Scroll down to see more.
  4. Profit 🎉

I’ve also colour-coded the categories like so:

Red: Tech and programs Orange: Life tips and skills Yellow: Learning, research, tools Green: Fun stuff, hobby stuff Blue: Artsy/creative stuff Purple: People, care, and comfort Pink: Noteworthy attributes Brown: Open source, Creative Commons, Public domain etc. Grey: Miscellaneous tags

Then we have the Galleries 🗂️

On the main page you can click through the galleries of things for clumps of trinkets or creators if you just want to explore! I’m probably gonna add way more of these over time once I figure out how useful they can be.

Currently the galleries are: