Oh hey!! Fancy seeing you here!
This keeps a log of all the updates I make to this site as and when they happen. :)
August 12th, 2024:
- Site is now live! 190 links in total! After a big push in focus for a few days after ignoring for months I did the thing 🎉
- Updates will probably be minuscule and happen over time, or I’ll do them in big batches of fifty or something idk lol
August 31st, 2024:
- Some minor tweaks; a reposition here, a changed tag there, a rewording over to the left…
- A disclaimer has been added to the very bottom of the “about this site” tab! It’s just the last note at the end but more formalised.
TLDR: The creators of the things I show off here don’t endorse this website, and I’m not responsible for their actions; I’m just a guy doing this stuff for fun!
- Updated the instructions for filtering by category since I didn’t explain it well enough :P
- Removed the favourites tick from being visible in the Sites Like This tab; oops
September 9th, 2024:
- Sidebar begone! The links from there are now at the top of the page instead for maximum viewing! Might change it back if I don’t like it. Sometimes things can be icky.
- Added the “Recently Added” tab! So you know when I’ve been busy :)
September 10th, 2024:
- I have a new batch of sites I’ve uncovered from the rabbit hole that is my bookmarks tab on my phone, and they’ll be rolling out slowly. Remember, I do all of this by hand so it’ll take a while!
- Stay tuned for more cool sites :)
September 15th, 2024:
Updated the page icon! Meet Corey the Crow, this page’s mascot.

Say hi to Corey! :)
He’s holding a hyperlink in his beak.
November 3rd, 2024: